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Программа «Паразиты и заболевания человека», на компакт-диске

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Код поставщика: 05-W13535 [1004304]
  • Программа «Паразиты и заболевания человека», на компакт-диске
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  • Программа «Паразиты и заболевания человека», на компакт-диске

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Animals obtain their nourishment by manifold adaptations. One extreme method is parasitism, whereby the quest for nourishment is left to the host while the parasite, as an uninvited guest, taps its nourishment directly from its host’s living body. A great number of animals live as parasites entirely or during a certain stage of their development. Even in our times, the damage caused to humans and animals by pests and parasites is quite significant. The microscopic vectors of the sleeping sickness and malaria turn vast areas in Africa unfit for human settlement. Among us, many common affections caused by parasitic worms in the body diminish notoriously the capacities of those affected. Parasites are highly specialized organisms that are superbly adapted to their way of life; their study is in more than one way of particular interest. Humoral and cellular reactions. Trypanosomes and Leishmanias, multiflagellates. Entamoebae. Toxoplasms and sarcosporidians. Limax amoebas. Malaria parasites. Babesias. Trematodes. Tapeworms. Nematodes. Tongue worms. Ticks and mites. Lice and bedbugs. Mosquitos. Fleas. Helminth eggs and larvae. Protozoan cysts. Many epidemic and infectious diseases have been by now eradicated or are easier to treat than in the past. But there are still disease factors against which nearly all weapons are ineffective. Many types of bacteria, such as pus bacteria, are becoming increasingly resistant against previously effective antibiotics. Microscopic images show the extent of the damage caused to an organ or the degree of bacterial replenishment. The processes followed by an infection and the reaction of the body thereto are many and diverse. The change shown by the organs or the individual cells provide indications regarding the situation of the disease.

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Торговая маркаJoh. LIEDER GmbH & Co.
АртикулW13535 [1004304]


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